Crazy Pineapple Poker Game

Listing of the rules and strategy for playing Pineapple Poker, a popular variant of poker games. Play games at - We have many great free internet games. Come check us out! Pineapple Poker or Crazy Pineapple is a new poker variation that is still growing. It adds some cool twists to the standard poker and can be played online. Throw the structure of hold'em and the volatility of Omaha into a blender and you'll end up with a cool, refreshing game of pineapple. With more action, bigger pots and even more thrilling.

Crazy Pineapple Poker Game

If you have played Texas Hold'em before, then you already know how to play Pineapple Poker. However, understanding the format will not mean that you will master the game in one hand, no matter how good you are at Texas Hold'em. While the basic structure is the same, the skills necessary to excel in the game involve a twist. The difference being that in Pineapple Poker, you are dealt three hole cards starting out instead of just two, and you get the opportunity to immediately discard one of these cards during the start of the hand. After that, the game proceeds exactly like regular Texas Hold ‘em.

Learning how to discern which cards to hold and which to discard will take some practice. It won’t always be the obvious choice. While this game isn’t typically found at many online poker sites, it will probably show up more in the future, as players demand new ways to challenge their poker skill sets and develop their talents at different types of poker games. A poker player who can play a variety of variations is a more well-rounded player than those who only know how to play a few different types of poker.

Pineapple Poker play starts out with players placing their initial bets. The small blind (left of the dealer) and the big blind (left of the small blind) must put their bets in first. Three cards are dealt to each player, face down. At this point, one card is discarded by every player; the discard takes place before the flop, and then the first round of betting takes place. All players who wish to remain in the hand must match the big blind; otherwise, they will have to fold. Small blind can match the large blind or lose the small bet and fold. Alternatively, any player can raise, to which other players must call or fold.

After all betting is final three community cards are dealt face up on the table (the flop). After the flop falls, all players must bet again. Betting options at this point are to check, fold, call, or raise the bet to all players. Then another card is dealt face up to the table (the turn) to make four community cards. Another betting round is carried out, just as the two previous ones. A final community card (the river) is dealt on the table, face up. Final betting takes place, and then ultimately the showdown, in which all remaining players must show their cards. The best five-card poker hand made from one or both of a player’s hole cards, along with three or four of the community cards, wins the pot. Should two players have equal hands, they will split the pot.

Another variation of this game is Crazy Pineapple Poker, which can also be played in Hi/Lo format. While Texas Hold ‘em has become the reigning king of poker, Crazy Pineapple Poker is slowly becoming more and more popular because it’s actually a refined form of Texas Hold ‘em. Crazy Pineapple allows players more options to play, which makes the game more interesting than Texas Hold ‘em. Once you master Crazy Pineapple, you have mastered all Hold ‘em games.

The difference between Pineapple Poker and Crazy Pineapple lies in the point in the game in which you make your one-card discard. Like the rules described above, players in a game of Crazy Pineapple are dealt three cards, but the discard comes after the flop, not before. So after the hole cards are dealt, the first round of betting precedes the flop, and then, once the flop is dealt, players will discard one card. In regular Pineapple Poker (described above), the discard is made before the flop.


The discard decision becomes a critical point in the game for players, as the decision will govern the future of the hand. Analyzing your hand to determine its chances in relation to the flop is sometimes an easy decision, but other times it proves very hard. This is what makes the game completely different from Texas Hold ‘em. It changes the mindset of the game totally, which is what makes playing new variations of poker so fun and challenging.

Yet another similar variation of Hold'em Poker is Tahoe Poker, which has not caught on yet, but is carried out in the same fashion as Pineapple Poker and Crazy Pineapple Poker with the same starting three-card hand, but in this variation, no cards are discarded at anytime throughout the game. This game is a bit easier than the others, so it might be a good starting point to learn how three cards can win a hold ‘em hand. Once you’ve developed an understanding of this, you can then move on to Pineapple and then Crazy Pineapple in order to gradually develop your strategy for playing other variations of Hold ‘em Poker.

The pineapple poker is a thrilling poker variation that is closely related to Texas Hold’em. The only difference is that it offers larger pot sizes and more thrilling payouts than its alternative. Additionally, players receive three hole cards instead of the regular two cards dealt in other games. The history behind this game is not well-known, but experienced gamers state that pineapple poker first appeared in several casinos in Las Vegas. It then spread online during the Ultimate Bet-era where every conceivable low and mid-limit mixed games was on offer. Unlike other betting games where you can get the thrill playing for free, with Pineapple poker, you can only play for money.

How to Play Pineapple Poker

This online poker game has three variations- the crazy pineapple hi/lo, the pineapple and the crazy pineapple. When playing the standard game, players are dealt three hole cards at the beginning, which is followed by a pre-flop betting round. The rules of the game require players to discard one of the hole cards before dealing the flop, but the other betting rounds (turn, river and flop) proceeds as in a regular Texas Hold’em game. As such, if a turn is dealt, a round of betting occurs; if a river is dealt, the final betting round is announced, and a showdown happens when a player is left.

Players are allowed to use any combination of the remaining two hole cards along with the five community cards on the table to make the best hand that can win the pot. For the crazy pineapple poker, players have to wait until the flop betting round to do away with one of the hole cards. Most players face a dilemma as to whether to draw a strong hand like a flush or a straight or to keep a made hand. For example, if a player has Kh-Qh-Kc on a flop, he needs to decide whether to keep the pair of kings and do away with the Qh or discard the Kc in a bid to achieve a flush or a straight. Naturally, holding a pair of kings feels safe, but since this is a multi-way action game, a combination draw has more value. The crazy pineapple variant is frequently played in a hi-lo split; the best high or low hand gets half the pot.

Poker Tips

Crazy pineapple poker games

The fact that three hole cards are dealt instead of the regular two hole cards creates more hand possibilities. Also, the hand values increase significantly as in omaha poker game. However, players need a stronger hand to survive the action in the game (usually the flush or the straight). Therefore, players should look for hands that are more connected by suit or value. For example, you want to avoid using low pairs as you can only win when you hit a set. High pairs like a pair of aces make great starting hands. Combinations like A0-As-5s and Ao-As-Ts also make strong starting hands.

Crazy Pineapple Poker Game

Small pairs are alright if they have combinations like 6c-6d-Ac though they don’t perform as well as alone. As such, players should look for large offsuit aces like the A-K, A-J, and the A-Q to form premium hands. Players should also avoid using three cards from the same suit as you have to discard one of them anyway.

Ranks in Pineapple Poker

The bottom line is to make the best five-card hand using cards dealt and community cards. This poker game ranks players based on the five-card hand formed at the end of a betting round. They rank as follows:

Crazy Pineapple Poker Games

  • The high card: In this case, the five-card combination is not used to determine the winner but the player’s highest card in the hand.
  • A pair: It occurs when you have two cards of the same suit, e.g. two aces.
  • Two pair: The player has two cards of the same rank along with two other cards of the same rank.
  • Three of a kind: The player has three cards of the same suit, e.g. three 10s.
  • A straight: It is also referred to as a Run. It occurs when the player’s five-card hand has a sequential rank. For example, cards with the numbers 5-9.
  • A flush: Occurs when the player has five cards from the same suit.
  • Straight flush: It is the same as a straight, but the cards have to come from the same suit, i.e., if you have 5-9 cards with clubs.
  • A full house: It occurs when the player has three similar cards and a pair. For example, if the player’s hand has a pair of five’s and three Jacks.
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