Mission Bet

Sen. Ted Cruz at CPAC in Orlando, Fla., Feb. 26, 2021. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
  1. Mission Between The Times
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  5. Mission Bet

Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) told the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that while the New York Times reported that 60 percent of the women named “Karen” voted for Joe Biden in November, he was willing to bet that a significantly higher percentage of men with that name also voted for Biden.

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“You know, Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t tell comedy anymore because any joke that’s funny is cancelled,” Cruz said.

“SNL is unwatchable—the late night comedy—they stand up and say: ‘We hate Donald Trump.’ Yeah, no kidding,” said Cruz. “We didn’t get that the last 9,000 times you told that.

“In 2020,” Cruz said, “the New York Times reported that 60 percent of women named Karen voted for Joe Biden. That’s actually real. You can look it up—the fact-checkers. That’s what the New York Times reported.

“And I’m willing to bet that 80 percent of the men named Karen voted for Joe Biden,” said Cruz.

On Nov. 2, 2020, the New York Times ran a story with this headline: “The 2020 Vote Preferences of 102 Common First Names.'

“We found some unexpected trends when we sorted our polling data by first names,” the Times reported.

“Over the past two months, the New York Times and Siena College have conducted polls in almost every battleground state, creating a large database of likely votes and their preferences. This database allowed us to take an unusual look at the American electorate—one based on first names.”

It turned out that women named “Karen” were the most likely people to say they were voting for Biden. Sixty percent of Karens said they would go with Joe.

The second name most likely to vote for Biden was Barbara (58 percent). Ranking third was Lisa and Patricia (54 percent). Next was Elizabeth (53 percent). Then Susan and Mary (52 percent).

No male name had a majority who said they were going to vote for Biden. The two male names that came closest were Christopher and Joseph. But among Christopher and Josephs, only 50 percent said they would vote for Biden.

People named Richard (64 percent) were most likely to vote for Trump. Thomas was second (61 percent). William was third (58 percent) and Nancy was fourth (57 percent).

Mission Between The Times

Here is a transcript of what Sen. Cruz said about Karens voting for Biden:

Mission bet

Mission Beta

Ted Cruz: “You know, Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t tell comedy anymore because any joke that’s funny is cancelled.

Mission Betty Flyweight Skates

“SNL is unwatchable—the late night comedy—they stand up and say: ‘We hate Donald Trump.’ Yeah, no kidding. We didn’t get that the last 9,000 times you told that.

Mission Bethlehem

“You know, in 2020, the New York Times reported that 60 percent of women named Karen voted for Joe Biden. That’s actually real. You can look it up—the fact-checkers. That’s what the New York Times reported. And I’m willing to bet that 80 percent of the men named Karen voted or Joe Biden.

Mission Bet

“Just have fun.

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